
齐红岩*, 陈岩, 刘雪超
沈阳农业大学园艺学院, 辽宁省设施园艺重点实验室, 沈阳110866

通信作者:齐红岩;E-mail:;Tel: 024-88487166

摘 要:

以网纹甜瓜品种‘ 中蜜1号’ 为试材, 在其不同培养阶段添加不同浓度AgNO3, 检测不定芽的诱导率和增殖率、玻璃苗发生率和生根情况的结果表明, 添加AgNO3后, 子叶的愈伤组织诱导率下降, 添加70 μmol·L-1 AgNO3可促进不定芽的诱导, 50~60 μmol·L-1 AgNO3 明显促进不定芽增殖, 并完全抑制玻璃苗的产生, 添加50 μmol·L-1 AgNO3 的生根最好。

关键词:网纹甜瓜; 试管苗再生; 玻璃化; AgNO3

收稿:2009-08-03   修定:2009-10-12


Effect of AgNO3 on Plantlet Regeneration and Vitrification of Netted Melon (Cucumis melo L.) in vitro

QI Hong-Yan*, CHEN Yan, LIU Xue-Chao
Key Laboratory of Protected Horticulture of Liaoning Province, College of Horticulture, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866, China

Corresponding author: QI Hong-Yan; E-mail:; Tel: 024-88487166


The netted melon ‘No.1 Zhongmi’ was used in this experiment. Adventitious shoot induction, proliferation, vitrification and rooting of plantlets were investigated in different culture stages with different AgNO3 concentrations. The results showed that cotyledon callus induction rate was inhibited with AgNO3addition. Adventitious shoot induction was promoted by addition of 70 μmol·L-1 AgNO3. Adventitious shoot proliferation was improved obviously by 50–60 μmol·L-1 AgNO3 and vitrification shoot formation was also inhibited completely. Root induction was significantly improved by 50 μmol·L-1 AgNO3.

Key words: netted melon (Cucumis melo L.); plantlet regeneration; vitrification; silver nitrate

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